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Health Corner

The Connection Between Smoking/Vaping & Stress


It is easy to think that smoking a cigarette or taking a hit on your vape is a good way to calm your nerves from all of the stress in today’s world, but did you know smoking and vaping can actually increase the stress inside your body? It is true! Nicotine, found in cigarettes and in many vapes, is an addictive stimulant.

Nicotine narrows blood vessels, making them smaller, which causes your blood pressure and heart rate to go up. In turn, your heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body, thus putting more stress on your cardiac system.

Craving nicotine causes stress too. When you smoke or vape, your brain receives a hit of nicotine, and that nicotine craving is satisfied for a short amount of time. This can trick you into feeling more relaxed. Those feelings are short lived and as your nicotine levels drop, you start to feel on edge and will likely experience another craving for a cigarette or vape. This process continues to repeat for as long as you keep smoking or vaping. Talk about stress in the brain!

The cost of buying cigarettes and vape products can really add up. Feeding a nicotine addiction is financially expensive. In a world where everything costs more than it used to, figuring out how to pay for it all can be very stressful. Breaking free from a nicotine addiction will allow your hard-earned dollars to go to things that really matter to you instead of the deceitful tobacco companies.

It is important to remember there will always be seasons of stress in our lives whether we choose to smoke, vape, or breathe clean air. Learning to deal with our stressors is very important.

When you choose to stop smoking and vaping, you will decrease the stress nicotine cravings cause, reduce physical stress inside your body, and free up some extra cash, easing the financial burden that comes with continuing to smoke or vape.

Last but not least, I want to leave you with a few stress reduction tips. Practice deep breathing and gratitude reflections. Take your breaks! Step away from work and stressful situations. Take a walk, grab your phone and reach out to a friend or play a game - this still gives you a chance to decompress and guess what - you can do it all without smoking or vaping!